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How to Prepare to Move Your Small Business

As the owner of a small business, you may not stay in the same place forever. Whether you’ve grown out of your current location or you have found a new location that suits your needs better, you may be wondering how you can prepare for the move. Read on to see some helpful tips that could make the move easy and even more affordable for you.

Set a Budget for the Move

Your budget is the first thing you’ll need to address when moving your business. Determining your budget can help you narrow down your commercial mover options. As soon as you know about your upcoming move, start setting aside funds to avoid financial disruptions later. A great way to save is to move during the off-season. You could save a lot by moving during a less popular time of the year!

Research Different Moving Companies

Next, before you settle for a specific commercial mover, research a few of them. According to Simply Safe Storage, 38% of commercial mover customers are corporations. This means that it should be easy to find a commercial mover with experience in moving businesses. Ask friends or colleagues whether they might have suggestions for you. This will give you a wider base of potential moving companies, as well as first-hand reviews of their services. Once you have a short list, carry out a basic interview with each company to find out exactly what they offer and their costs. This way, there will be no surprises awaiting you down the road.

Refresh Your Business Plan

Moving to a new location may call for a different way to run things than what you’re used to. Bearing this in mind, take the time to refresh your business plan so that once you settle at your new location, you can hit the ground running. Ensure to have each detail thought about so that you don’t run into complications that could leave your business with a less than perfect reputation.

Keep Your Staff Informed

Don’t forget to keep your staff in the loop about the move. This will help them adjust mentally and therefore not get stressed out by the move when it catches them unaware. If any changes to your move come up, share these so that no one is left behind at any point in time. The staff will most likely have a new commute, so keeping them informed will help them to plan.

Update Your Customers

Your client base should also be informed about your move before it happens. This will allow them time to adjust and potentially move with you to the new location. Don’t spring a surprise on them, as you risk losing a lot of loyal customers. Update your social media platform and email list to ensure your customers have advance warning of what’s to come. Consider holding a giveaway to motivate them to follow you to your new location if it’s within a reasonable distance of the old one. This will help you keep your business continuous and possibly get many new customers along with your current ones.

Remember Permits and Subscriptions

Finally, don’t forget to unsubscribe from any subscriptions that you have at your current location. If you’re moving out of state, for example, make sure you have all the permits you’ll need to run your business legally. Don’t assume that they will be the same as they were before since different jurisdictions generally enforce different regulations. If necessary, get the help of a lawyer so you know the exact documentation that you need in order to conduct business at your new premises.

When it comes time to move your business to a new location, advance planning pays off. As long as you don’t wait until the last minute (and hire reliable commercial movers!), this move could be the best thing you do for your business.

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